Plastics used in Solar Energy Systems applications can be exposed to serious weather effects. These applications often require weatherproof plastic material that can withstand the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays, which can affect the appearance and mechanical properties of plastics. Spirals used in the project must be UV resistant. It is also necessary to pay attention to the sudden air temperature changes in the regions where Solar Energy Projects are located.
The ISO 4892-2 standard is a test method that specifies the methods of exposing samples to xenon arc light to create climatic conditions (temperature, humidity and/or wetting) that occur when materials are exposed to sunlight in real end-use environments.
Our OSUV series polyamide pipes have been tested for 552 hours of UV and thermal aging according to ISO 4892-2 standards, and no change has been observed on the product.
When compared according to the climatic conditions in the Middle East and Asian regions, it is seen that there is no change in product colors in the specified regions within a 1-year period.
For more details, you can visit our product page fore OSUV series.

ORTAC Tacflex certified OSUV series Polyamide spiral pipes are produced from 1st quality long-lasting pure raw material that is resistant to sudden weather changes, direct UV rays, and all weather conditions.
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